Chris and I met on Instagram late in the 2014. It was all just a coincidence (or a fate?) - Chris happened upon my profile because a photo of me wearing R2-D2 swimsuit was featured on a Star Wars fan Instagram page. He liked that photo and followed my profile.

We both LOVE Star Wars so much. After while we started liking each others photos, chat, soon sending to each other videos from our everyday life, Face Timing and 6 months later we decided to meet in person.

We started planning our first trip together and it was so exciting! Chris flown from California all the way to Europe, and our first date was in London in August of 2015. It was wonderful seeing him at the airport for the first time. We stayed in the Georgian house hotel and visited the Harry Potter Warner Bros studios, London Eye, The Shard and took a train to Cardiff to see Doctor Who museum and continued exploring wonderful stuff together. It felt like he was the missing piece in my life and I was finally whole!

We have flown to Czech republic on the 1st September, and Chris met my family and one of my best friends in my home town Brno. We went to Prague and saw Andy Warhol exhibition, Mirror Labyrinth, Astronomical clock and Saint Vitus Cathedral. Chris’ departure back to States was hard. When I was on the bus back to my home town, I changed my Facebook relationship status to “In relationship” and it was OFFICIAL! Haha 😄

It didn’t take long and we started planning our next visit, because we missed each other tremendously. We kept chatting, sending each other photos and Face Timing as much as we could.

In December 2015 I have flown to Los Angeles to enjoy holidays with Chris and after arrival we spent two days in Anaheim, Disneyland. On the second day after we saw absolutely beautiful fireworks and got a bit wet from the rain, Chris took me to a part of Disneyland called “It’s a small world”, then he said we will take some pictures together. Next thing I saw was that he knelt down on one knee and I could see the ring! I was so happy in that moment that I literally jumped with joy. The employees of Disneyland saw the proposal and brought us hats with ears with captions “She said YES” for Chris and “I said YES” for me. We also got special seats to see the amazing Paint the night parade up close. 

It took 10 months for all the paperwork to be done and for my fiance visa to be approved so we could get married in the States. It was the longest 10 monts but our love for one another was stronger that any distance!

Fast forward to now - we have been married for 6 years, we rescued two big beautiful dogs Ahsoka and Sabine (named after Star Wars of course) and we run a wedding photography business together! The Force brought us together across the world and we couldn’t be more grateful 🤍


