Failed To Render VR COMEDY CLUB

The World’s First Professional Stand Up Comedy Club located in Virtual Reality!

I am looking forward to every Friday evening because I get to spend an hour and half laughing my ass off! And laughing is the best medicine for your soul right? Attending a comedy show in virtual reality is 100% fun and 0% worry of catching Covid while being around other people! *woohoo*

My brother was actually the one who told me about this show, and I am so happy he did! Now we get to go there together! And since he lives back home in Czech Republic (I am in California) there are no “real life” hangs happening for us but thanks to virtual reality we get to spend some quality time together and it’s pretty awesome. He has to wake up at 4am though to attend this show, so that tells you everything you need to know about it - YUP it’s worth it!

They have over 200+ comedians from across the world who perform every week! You’ll need Altspace VR to attend.

Come hang out with all of us!


Monday: 9:00 pm to 10:30 CST

Thursday: 9:00 pm to 10:30 CST

Friday: 9:00 pm to 10:30 CST

Live in the Metaverse on Monday, Thursday, and Friday every week.

Join Failed To Render Discord HERE

Follow them online HERE


Virtual reality - THE METAVERSE
